This website (previously ASDinfoWales) belongs to and is run by the National Autism Team, which is funded by Welsh Government. It is one of the resources which helps the Team achieve their aim to improve the lives of autistic people in Wales.

The following advice is adapted from NICE Guideline CG142: Autism in adults: diagnosis and management [Link:]


Assessment should be undertaken by professionals who are trained and competent. The assessment should be team-based and draw on a range of professions and skills.


Typically, a team-based assessment for autism spectrum disorder in adults would involve some or all of the following professional disciplines.

  • Psychiatry
  • Clinical psychology
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech and language therapy
  • Specialist nursing


Complex assessments should be undertaken by professionals with specialist experience in the assessment and diagnosis of autism.


NICE Guideline CG142: Autism in adults: diagnosis and management